Friday 20 June 2014

Documenting The Asian Male - 3.AM as it goes...

I thought I would start to write about the process of putting together the book 'The Asian Male - 3.AM'. I didn't feel comfortable telling the story about in facebook, as there have been numerous problems with posting ANY sort of nude/semi-nude images there. Some poor soul has been giving me the hard time by reporting my images. And yes, facebook then has come back to me to force me to delete the image, plus any other image I might have on there that could be breaking their 'community standard'. Yes, I have read their rules.

On the other hand, I'm sort of glad there are rules in place on facebook; it's just not knowing where to draw the line on what could be construed as offensive. Anyway, I hope that blogger doesn't come ranting to me with the same problems. I'm not even sure if there are Blogger rules in place that will push away offenders of nudity or pornography). Can anyone enlighten me? I did think of using Tumblr to post my blog, but I find that portal full of pornography. I think Blogger is (sort of) a safe haven.

Here is the photograph that got reported...

It seem quite harmless doesn't it? But YES, there is nudity in the framed image. Bring out the magnifying glass! Oh, we can simply PINCH these days.

Well my first Post is over with, and it's sort of out of system. :)

Till next time..

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